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A Good Day To Die
A Good Day To Die 星河舰队3主题曲
(Courage Duty Honor) We call upon our troopers, but In this a darkest hour, our way of life is what weve fighting for. The flag that flies above us inspires us each day to give our every best and every way.
It’s a good day to die when you know the reasons why. Citizens we fight for what is right. A noble sacrifice! When duty calls, you pay the price. For the federation I will give my life.
(Well, all the spring is living war, that’s what my gonna saids.) you not lie when last your st These are the words I (marked) back Duty Courage Honor. every single give another trying.
It’s a good day to die when you know the reasons why. Citizens we fight for what is right. A noble sacrifice! When duty calls, you pay the price. For the federation I will give my life. (Courage Duty Honor)
Eagle he flies high above us. Eagle he makes our spirits soar. He is giving me the strength to carry on, to fight in this war.
It’s a good day to die when you know the reasons why. Citizens we fight for what is right. A noble sacrifice! When duty calls, you pay the price. For the federation I will give my life.
It’s a good day to die when you know the reasons why. Citizens we fight for what is right. A noble sacrifice! When duty calls, you pay the price. For the federation I will give my life.
#re:A Good Day To Die 8/5/2008 9:23:09 PM 天行逸
还有想说一下,歌曲的名字叫做Its good day to die。
#re:A Good Day To Die 8/5/2008 8:36:43 PM 天行逸