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.Net 下全局HotKey Register & Unregister
本文介绍了,在.Net下实现,用系统API注册系统HotKey的全过程。将系统的WM_HOTKEY Message包装成了一个.Net下的Event(用户定义的HotKeyPress Event)。同时简化了系统HotKey的注册过程。
注册一个HotKey需要下面2个步骤: 1. [DllImport("kernel32")] internal static extern IntPtr GlobalAddAtom(string lpString ); GlobalAddAtom是一个系统提供的API,在Kernel32.dll下,这个方法将注册一个字符串到系统的Global Atom Table中,并返回一个唯一的intPtr指示识别这个字符串。 2. [DllImport("user32")] internal static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, uint fsModifiers, uint vk ); RegisterHotKey 是一个系统提供的API,在user32.dll下,这个方法将注册一个HotKey。注册HotKey时需要使用一个AtomID-----一个系统唯一的标识来注册这个HotKey,当HotKey按下时,系统会发出一个WM_HOTKEY的Message给注册这个HotKey的Application。当这个Application收到消息后作自己想要的操作。
HotKey的使用方法: 本文已经包装了HotKey的WM_HOTKEY 系统Message为HotKeyPressed PrintWindowPressed PrintDesktopPressed 事件(用户定义的事件),注册HotKey时,使用类似this.HotKeys.Add(new HotKeyController.HotKey("Ctrl+O",Keys.O,HotKey.HotKeyModifiers.MOD_CONTROL));来注册这个HotKey。 需要处理HotKey时使用private void MainForm_HotKeyPressed(object sender, HotKeyController.HotKeyPressedEventArgs e) 来处理HotKeyEvent。进行自己想做的操作。
1. 使用到的系统API using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace HotKeyController { public class HotKeyUnmanagedMethods { public HotKeyUnmanagedMethods() { }
~ HotKeyUnmanagedMethods() { }
internal static int WM_HOTKEY = 0x312;
[DllImport("user32")] internal static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, uint fsModifiers, uint vk );
[DllImport("user32")] internal static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id );
[DllImport("kernel32")] internal static extern IntPtr GlobalAddAtom(string lpString );
[DllImport("kernel32")] internal static extern IntPtr GlobalDeleteAtom(IntPtr nAtom );
[DllImport("kernel32")] internal static extern uint GetTickCount();
} }
2.HotKey类 封装HotKey using System; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace HotKeyController { public class HotKey { #region Public Field
#region KeyType [Flags()] public enum HotKeyModifiers { MOD_ALT = 0x1, MOD_CONTROL = 0x2, MOD_SHIFT = 0x4, MOD_WIN = 0x8, } #endregion
public HotKey(string name,Keys keyCode,HotKeyModifiers modifiers) { this._name = name; this._keyCode = keyCode; this._modifiers = modifiers; }
public HotKey() { }
~HotKey() { }
//The hot key is or not valiable. public void Validate() { string message = ""; if(this._name.Trim().Length == 0) { message = "A hotkey need a name."; } if(this._keyCode == Keys.Alt || this._keyCode == Keys.Control || this._keyCode == Keys.Shift || this._keyCode == Keys.ShiftKey || this._keyCode == Keys.ControlKey) { message = "The keycode cannot be set to a modifier key."; } if(message.Length > 0) { throw new HotKeyException(this,message); } }
public string Name { get { return this._name; } set { this._name = value; } } public Keys KeyCode { get { return this._keyCode; } set { this._keyCode = value; } } public HotKeyModifiers Modifiers { get { return this._modifiers; } set { this._modifiers = value; } } #endregion
#region Private Field private string _name; private string _atomName; private IntPtr _atomId; private Keys _keyCode; private HotKeyModifiers _modifiers; #endregion
#region Internal Field
//The Atom id will regist to the global system table. internal IntPtr AtomId { get { return this._atomId; } set { this._atomId = value; } }
//The global atom name. internal string AtomName { get { return this._atomName; } set { this._atomName = value; } } #endregion }
3.HotKey Collection HotKey 的集合 存储管理 所有注册的HotKey using System; namespace HotKeyController { public class HotKeyCollection:System.Collections.CollectionBase { #region Public Field
//the hot key collections owner form. public HotKeyCollection(System.Windows.Forms.Form ownerForm) { this._ownerForm = ownerForm; }
//Get a hot key. public HotKey this[int index] { get { return (HotKey)this.InnerList[index]; } }
//Add a hot key. public void Add(HotKey hotKey) { hotKey.Validate(); this.AddHotKey(hotKey); this.InnerList.Add(hotKey); }
//Remove a hot key. public void Remove(HotKey hotKey) { hotKey.Validate(); this.RemoveHotKey(hotKey); this.InnerList.Remove(hotKey); }
public void Remove(int index) { if(index>=this.InnerList.Count) { return; } else { this.RemoveHotKey((HotKey)this.InnerList[index]); this.InnerList.RemoveAt(index); } }
public void RemoveAll() { while(this.InnerList.Count>0) { this.RemoveHotKey((HotKey)this.InnerList[0]); this.InnerList.RemoveAt(0); } } #endregion
#region Private Field private System.Windows.Forms.Form _ownerForm;
//Real add a hot key to system, use unmanagement methods. private void AddHotKey(HotKey hotKey) { string atomName; IntPtr atomId; bool registered;
//get a atom name atomName = hotKey.Name + "_" + HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.GetTickCount().ToString(); if(atomName.Length > 255) { atomName = atomName.Substring(0,255); } atomId = HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.GlobalAddAtom(atomName); //get a tom id if(atomId.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { throw new HotKeyException(hotKey,"Failed to add a global atom for this HotKey"); } else { //regist a hot key. registered = HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.RegisterHotKey(this._ownerForm.Handle,atomId.ToInt32(),System.Convert.ToUInt32(hotKey.Modifiers), System.Convert.ToUInt32(hotKey.KeyCode)); if(!registered) { //unsuccessful. HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.GlobalDeleteAtom(atomId); throw new HotKeyException(hotKey,"Failed to register this HotKey"); } else { //successful. hotKey.AtomName = atomName; hotKey.AtomId = atomId; } } } //Real remove a hot key, use unmanagement methods. private void RemoveHotKey(HotKey hotKey) { // remove the hot key: HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.UnregisterHotKey(this._ownerForm.Handle, hotKey.AtomId.ToInt32()); // unregister the atom: HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.GlobalDeleteAtom(hotKey.AtomId); } #endregion
#region Protected Method //Clean all hot keys. protected override void OnClear() { foreach(HotKey hotKey in this.InnerList) { this.RemoveHotKey(hotKey); } base.OnClear (); }
protected override void OnInsert(int index, object value) { if(value.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(new HotKey())) { ((HotKey)value).Validate(); this.AddHotKey((HotKey)value); base.OnInsert (index, value); } else { throw new InvalidCastException("The want to insert object is no a hotkey"); } }
protected override void OnRemove(int index, object value) { if(value.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(new HotKey())) { this.RemoveHotKey((HotKey)value); base.OnRemove(index, value); } else { throw new InvalidCastException("The want to remove object is no a hotkey"); } }
protected override void OnSet(int index, object oldValue, object newValue) { HotKey hotKey; hotKey = new HotKey();
if(oldValue.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(hotKey)&&newValue.GetType().IsInstanceOfType(newValue)) { base.OnSet (index, ((HotKey)oldValue), ((HotKey)newValue)); } else { throw new InvalidCastException("The want to set object is no a hotkey"); } }
protected override void OnValidate(object value) { ((HotKey)value).Validate(); }
#endregion } } 其中的 Private AddHotKey RemoveHotKey 调用了 系统的API 真正的注册一个HotKey 注销 一个HotKey。
4.HotKey Controller 重写窗体的WndProc方法 接收WM_HOTKEY Message 同时触发 HotKey Event 供Controller 的父类接收处理 using System; namespace HotKeyController { public delegate void HotKeyPressedEventHandler(object sender, HotKeyPressedEventArgs e);
public class HotKeyController : System.Windows.Forms.Form { #region Public Field public HotKeyController() { this._hotKeys = new HotKeyCollection(this); }
~HotKeyController() { this._hotKeys.Clear(); } public event HotKeyPressedEventHandler HotKeyPressed; public HotKeyCollection HotKeys { get { return this._hotKeys; } } #endregion
#region Private Field private HotKeyCollection _hotKeys; protected override void WndProc(ref System.Windows.Forms.Message m) { base.WndProc (ref m); if (m.Msg == HotKeyUnmanagedMethods.WM_HOTKEY) { foreach (HotKey hotKey in this._hotKeys) { if (hotKey.AtomId.Equals(m.WParam)) { HotKeyPressedEventArgs hotKeyArgs = new HotKeyPressedEventArgs(hotKey); if (this.HotKeyPressed != null) { this.HotKeyPressed(this, hotKeyArgs); } } } } } #endregion } }
5.HotKeyController 父类窗体对HotKey 的处理 添加事件处理方法 this.HotKeyPressed +=new HotKeyPressedEventHandler(MainForm_HotKeyPressed); 从HotKeyPressedEventArgs中得到Press的HotKey private void MainForm_HotKeyPressed(object sender, HotKeyController.HotKeyPressedEventArgs e) { if(e.PressedHotKey!= null) { MessageBox.Show("Hot key "+e.PressedHotKey.Name +" Pressed","A hot key pressed",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
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